St Erth Nursery
Part of Tregenna Nursery Group
The Barn Neighbourhood Nursery Partnership
Call: 01736 755690

Our Prospectus:
Our Values & Beliefs
We believe that children need to be happy and settled before they can enjoy and learn. We aim to make the time children spend at St Erth a happy and fun filled one, where each child is valued and helped to reach their full potential. We believe through play, children learn to construct their own knowledge about the world and, at St Erth, we encourage children to explore and experiment; be creative and imaginative; socialise with others and most important of all, to have fun and enjoy their experience here.
We recognise that all children are unique individuals with different interests which we use for tailored activities and experiences to extend learning and understanding.. We love to play outside which is why we have extensively developed our outdoor play area so that all children can learn
Our Ethos
We consider our most important role is providing a highly nurturing environment where children are loved and feel happy and safe. Here, we have a strong community spirit and give children opportunities and experiences that are unique. We actively participate in community events.
“It takes a village to raise a child”
We recognise that every child is an individual and carefully plan exciting and engaging activities that promote a love for learning for life! We love to engage with our local community and experience what is on offer in the village (and beyond!) We regularly go to the Post Office, ASDA, Clay Pits, Park and Church.
“Play is at the heart of all that we do!”
We aim to prepare all children to become confident individuals, eager for the next stage in their life; getting ready for school life and beyond! Our daily routine is fun and promotes learning through play; in a balance of child-initiated and adult lead activities which are fun, exciting and challenging.
“We are all beautiful”
We value each and every child as unique individuals. Our pedagogy centres on children's interests which we use to create exciting opportunities to extend knowledge and understanding in every area of learning
Additionally, we have exceptional links with our neighbouring school:
In the summer term, we take a group of children to visit the reception class each week so that they become aware of their new environment and are prepared for school in the subsequent term.

Just around the corner is the fantastic Trink Dairy, (our marvellous milk suppliers). All children within our nursery receive FREE (delicious!) milk at snack and lunch times. To find out more information, click on the link above.
We use the local (family run) wholesalers Penwithian wholesalers to provide all of our fruit and vegetables for snack times! We provide a healthy snack in the mornings and afternoon for all of our children (free of charge!)
Our teaching pedagogy
(How we teach)
Within our nurseries, you will see that our teaching reflects our commitment to fostering children's interests and curiosities. We help develop children's knowledge and understanding through a balance of adult-led and child initiated activities within an open, well resourced environment; this is to ensure that children are given the best opportunity to succeed and are ready for the next stage of learning. Additionally, we have very close links with our neighbouring school:
In the summer term, we take a group of children to visit the reception class each week so that they become aware of their new environment and are prepared for school in the subsequent term.
We are very outdoor focussed within our nurseries. We like to work closely in the different communities; taking chilren out of the setting on a weekly basis.

Amongst many other exciting things, we have implemented 'Forest School' and 'Beach School' sessions during the week. In addition to these, we have access to 8 and 17 seater transport provided through The Barn Nursery and Headstart Day Nursery (our partner settings) which we use to provide exciting and challenging opportunities for children in the locality.
"We're all about outings!"
As you can see from the pictures above, we love getting out into the community and experiencing what there is to offer. To this end, we are always keen for new ideas for outings: please let us know if there is somewhere that is fantastic​ to visit!
We go to:
The Bluff!
Hayle Play Park
Headlands Care Home