St Erth Nursery
Part of Tregenna Nursery Group
The Barn Neighbourhood Nursery Partnership
Call: 01736 755690
What is our Curriculum?
Children learn through play!
The most important thing for every child is to have fun - when they are doing this, they are learning!
Our curriculum has been carefully considered to foster children's natural curiosities and interests and have knowledgeable practitioners and teachers provide 'teachable moments' to extend learning in small (and sometimes large) increments. This, along with adult-lead circle times and lots (and LOTS!) of free play, leads to happy and confident individuals who are ready for the next stage of learning!
Within all of our nurseries you will see our commitment to play, following children's interests and outdoor learning. Throughout their time with us, children will be observed and assessed using the Early Years Foundation Stage (The Development Matters for the EYFS) to ensure that they are reaching the correct milestones in development.
In September 2021, the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage changed. We continue to use the revised 'Development Matters' to help guide childrens' learning in preparation for school. Our teachers and practitioners guide children's learning through each Area of Learning, which is then recorded on Tapestry (see above):
Take a look at our new prospectus!

Those areas highlighted in green are referred to 'prime' areas of learning, whereas those in blue are referred to as 'specific'. At an earlier age we hold a higher focus on the prime areas of learning and as children progress (moving into pre-school), we consider all areas of learning.
Take a look at the EYFS for parents:
How might you see it?
We have a wonderful 'Loose Parts' area which is accessed by all children. In this area, children experiment, create, explore and imagine with various resources.

In all of our playrooms, we have role-play areas where children's imagination soar! Staff listen to and respond to children's' play, extending and developing learning.
We have communication friendly spaces in all of our environments (Inside & Outdoors). We refer to different phonics systems in order to prepare children for different schools.
Staff scaffold children's' learning, extending vocabulary throughout the day. You will see children learning new words on a daily basis. We then incorporate these in current displays.
We are sensitive to children's needs, recognising where and when children are ready to take risks, potty train and be independent and then responding appropriately.
We have fantastic opportunities for gross motor (large scale/whole body) and fine motor (smaller scale/accuracy & precision) physical development.
We like to make sure that children are happy and settled when they come into nursery. Our team are very nurturing, caring and loving to all of our children; we are like an extended family.

In our preschool environment, we have a Maths Investigation Area where children can explore, number, shapes, measures & quantities. In addition to this, we incorporate mathematical language (& opportunities) into everything that we do; from our 'Loose Parts' area to simply counting various objects in the environment.
Within all of our age groups, there is continuous opportunity for purposeful mark making. We love to make our own stories and draw characters for them and even write names on our work.
We have fantastic opportunities for children to experience the world; we have our own transport (8 & 17 seater minibuses) which we use to give our children experiences like no other. Our forest school & beach school sessions in particular encourage children to have a growing awareness and respect for all living things.
We also have a state of the art interactive touch screen which we use as part of registration & circle times.
We love a good mess! It is important for children to explore different textures and materials as this is highly beneficial for their development and meets sensory needs. We always have lots of different resources to encourage imagination, creative and messy play.
Evidence: Planning IN THE MOMENT!
In all of our nurseries, we plan in an 'In the moment' style, meaning that teachers and practitioners immerse themselves into children's interests and extend their learning in small increments. This is something that we do all the time; just by speaking to children, we expose them to the English language (new words, ideas and ways to do things!)
'Teaching ... is a broad term that covers the many different ways in which adults help young children learn. It includes their interactions with children during planned and child-initiated activities:
Communicating and modelling language, showing, explaining, demonstrating, exploring ideas, encouraging, questioning, recalling, providing a narrative for what they are doing, facilitating and setting challenges.
It takes account of the equipment adults provide and the attention given to the physical environment, as well as the structure and routines of the day that establish expectations.”

In all of our nurseries, we have large open environments (both inside and out!) for children to freely explore the high quality resources and equipment. The majority of all sessions involves children choosing resources and equipment
The way in which we 'plan' for children is using the following cycle ('Plan, Do, Review). Practitioners and teachers use Tapestry to make observations and assessments on children. We use this do identify what children are learning and the 'teachable moment' (what we did to extend children's knowledge and understanding).
Intention - Implementation - Impact
In every aspect of our practice, from carefully considered planning of activities to the layout of the environment have been thoroughly thought out with Intention - how is this beneficial for our children and staff? Implementation - how are we going to get where we are going? Impact - Reflect on what effect this has on others.
Our priority is to maximise the amount of time spent with children, extending their learning and engaging their curiosities! Therefore the observations and assessments that we carry out are not extensive and numero
Our Nursery Rules
Pictured right are our nursery rules. These are applicable to all children, staff and visitors to our nursery. These are a simple set of rules which we use in all situations; modelling appropriate behaviours in and out of nursery. We'd like to encourage parents and carers to use the same language (this is great tool to reinforce positive behaviours). Our (always) on-hand staff and SENDCo team are happy to support parents and children with behaviours and are able to get advice and support where needed.

The Learnosaurs!
In assessments and observations that we make (through Tapestry) you may see 'CoETL' (Characteristics of Effective Teaching & Learning) assessments. These are used to observe how children are learning and is an important tool for teachers and practitioners to develop the nursery and enhance learning. We love to encourage children to take ownership in their learning; independence is top priority and necessity for children to develop - take a look at the different 'Learnosaurs' that we like to use (pictured left).

Ni a dhysk Kernewek!

We are learning Cornish!
Whether born and bred Cornish or privileged enough to live in this beautiful county we should celebrate and embrace its culture and heritage. We hope to encourage an interest in, and very basic knowledge of some Cornish words by story telling, simple games and with a special app on the i-pad called Magi-Ann.
Last term we started telling the stories from the Porth series, that we have given to the children for Christmas this year. They love the characters in these, and we would encourage you to read this to them; just pick out one or two phrases of Cornish adding more when they understand the first phrase.
Jan, Sue and Joe are all having Cornish lessons and are saying some very basic sentences and phrases to the children such as:
Mytten da - Good morning
Dydh da (pron. Dith da) - Good day
Piw os ta? - who are you - To which the children answer Fred/Joe/their name ov vy.
Although the children will not become bi-lingual in the short time they are here, there are many benefits to learning a little of another language. Understanding that different cultures may speak different languages improves positive attitudes to different cultures, fosters curiosity and research has shown that it boosts problem solving, critical thinking and listening skills. It can also improve memory, concentration and the ability to multitask.
So it really is worth having a go!

Beach School
We are very fortunate to live in such a wonderful place. Every week, we take a small group of children to a local beach to learn about the environment.
To the right is the Beach School pack for parents and carers to familiarise themselves with some of activities that take place whilst on Beach School sessions. There are examples of activities with links the Early Years Curriculum (Early Years Foundation Stage).

Forest School
We are very fortunate to live so close to such wonderful woodlands. Every week, we take a small group of children to a local woodland to learn about the local environment. In these sessions, we learn to use tools to make changes in materials, make fires, climb trees, make dens and many more exciting activities. We have very close links with our neighbouring school and make use of their fabulous forest school area.
Story Time!

As part of our Beach and Forest School sessions and our everyday routine, we like to incorporate stories to make activities more exciting and engaging. Something we particularly enjoy are 'active stories' where children participate in movement and action to reinforce the story: When reading 'We're going on a bear hunt' you might see that teachers and practitioners act out the 'swirling, whirling snowstorm' by rotating round and round. Reading to children is an essential skill them to gain a love for reading which is important for when children begin to read in school.
"children are made readers on the laps of their parents"
Emilie Buchwald
We see that reading to children as essential. On a daily basis, you will find children freely accessing our vast library of books. We encourage parents to read to their children every day (this is proven to be highly beneficial!) Parents are welcome to borrow books at any time - just ask!
More information about early reading can be found here:

Little chefs
We have a fully equipped kitchen which we use to make exciting meals with our children; on Thursdays and Fridays. Children will choose what to eat at lunch times. This involves using our thinking brains and choosing items from the eat well plate (we use flash cards) and then we all go to our local supermarket to purchase the items that we need.
We encourage children to take part in every aspect of food preparation so that they gain an understanding into the importance of eating healthy food (making healthy choices).
At the moment, children bring in packed lunches but we are in the process of moving towards offering nursery lunch to all children.

Joining the Generations
Update: We hope to restart our outings to the Care Home as soon as we safely can (COVID permitting).
Each week, we take a group of children to a Care Home. So far, we have visited Headlands and the Beeches and children and residents have loved it! Children and residents take part in exciting and engaging activities such as painting, baking and singing (over Christmas we gave residents a carol service!)
"Studies claim this type of interaction can decrease older people’s loneliness, delay mental decline, lower blood pressure and even reduce the risk of disease or death. But, at heart, the benefit of almost any interaction between young and old is self-evident, according to Lesley Carter, clinical lead at charity Age UK"

Trips & Outings
If you hadn't guessed it already, we love to get out and experience what is on offer in the community. The aim of all of these fantastic extra curricular activities is to give children experiences that they cherish and that they may not have the opportunity to receive outside of our nursery; to this end, we always welcome ideas and suggestions of where to go (just let us know!)

Every week, Nick comes in to nursery to teach us a fun sport! Nick is fantastic at engaging children in a fun and exciting way, engaging all children in sports which teaches us about being healthy! Keep an eye on updates on our facebook page and Tapestry!

Wonderful WoodWork!
Take a look at our fabulous woodwork bench! This bench is in our preschool area where children freely access tools (hacksaws, hammers, nails, screws and screwdrivers) to create, explore and take risks.
This area promotes deep problem solving and careful risk taking. It is highly important that children learn to develop what they can do and what they may need help with.

Literacy is about expressing thought through writing. In woodwork, children express ideas in concrete fashion. This is part of the mental foundation they build toward expressing ideas in the more abstract medium of the written word.
It’s the process of experimentation that captures them at this early phase. As they become familiar with the tools’ possibilities, their creativity and imagination emerge, and they start forming concrete ideas of what they can achieve.
Numeracy is intrinsic to woodwork. Children measure pieces of wood; they experience shape and weight. Constructing three-dimensional forms develops their spatial awareness.

Terrific Technology!
Here at St Erth Nursery we have created some truly unique pieces of technology to enhance play opportunity and learning. Technology is ever-changing and we aim to prepare our children for the future.
All children can access our fantastic Interactive Whiteboard which we use every day in singing and dancing activities (wake-up & shake-up)
To the right, you can see our bespoke piece of technology; the Augmented Reality Sandpit! This provides children to learn about topography and is a fantastic sensory resource for our pre-school children.
All of these activities & outings are provided at NO EXTRA CHARGE!
Superb Swimmers!

In January 2022, we introduced swimming lessons (provided through St Ives Leisure Centre - Better). Living in such a coastal region, we recognise the importance of water safety and learning to swim. In these lessons, children gain this invaluable skill in very fun and playful way. Currently, swimming lessons are offered to preschool children (aged 3-5) on a rotational basis (each term a new group will go). Fees are paid directly to the Leisure Centre. For more information, please send us an email.
Here is a link to our Superb Swimmers Policy: